



体育教练课程为学生在体育教练环境中从事多功能和竞争性的职业做好准备. 重点是生理学, 哲学, 电机的性能, 编程, 心理学, 以及在教练领域的研究, students are better prepared to navigate the administrative, 动机, 以及各级教练的组织方面.



    Each year the MA Kinesiology program offers different opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience, 包括:

    • 研究生协调员奖学金
    • 研究生教学机会
    • Department of Kinesiology Student Employment Opportunities


    圣玛丽提供了这样的机会 在14-26个月内完成学位.


    We look for motivated students who want to learn and make a difference in the lives of others. 不需要GRE.





    All courses are three (3) units, unless otherwise noted.

    KINES 600: Introduction to 研究生 Study and Research 
    This course is an introduction to science and research in Kinesiology. It is designed to foster an understanding of the research employed in the sub-disciplines. It is also intended to prepare the student to write comprehensive literature reviews. 讨论了研究中的伦理问题, 对优秀研究的质量进行了综述, and students learn how to critically analyze the 实证研究 in our field.

    这门课程是介绍哲学的基本基础,因为它们与运动和体育活动领域有关. 本课程旨在促进对哲学本质和哲学思想主要流派的理解. Topics include: The importance of 哲学 to physical education and athletics; various teaching and coaching philosophies; ethical issues in sport and physical activity (e.g. drug use); and close examinations of contemporary social issues associated with race, 种族, 和性别.

    KINES 624:人体运动性能
    本课程概述运动和身体活动领域中运动行为的神经物理基础. 目前的理论, 实证研究, 以及在教练领域的应用实践, 心理学, 教育学, 以及运动技能的发展. 主题包括:运动程序理论, 营造理想的学习环境, and the roles of the learner and the instructor in motor skill acquisition.

    KINES 670: Psychological Analysis of Sport and Exercise
    This course is an exploration of the psychosocial dimensions of physical activity. 当前的理论和实证研究的讨论,以努力了解心理方面的运动和锻炼. 主题包括:目标取向, 动机气候, 自尊, 唤起监管, 性能增强技术, 领导, 通过运动来发展性格.

    KINES 675:运动教练生理学
    This course is a study of the physiological adaptations that the body makes to exercise. 目前的理论和实证研究应用于急性运动的反应和代谢中发生的慢性适应, 心肺和肌肉骨骼系统. This provides the basis for constructing suitable conditioning programs for sport and exercise participation. In-class laboratories are designed to present measurement techniques and evaluate physical fitness.

    KINES 681: Applied Concepts of 运动训练学 (Strength and Conditioning)
    This course provides graduate level instruction on the theory and science of strength and conditioning. 本课程是为满足教练员的需要而设计的, 物理教育工作者, 以及其他对健身职业感兴趣的人. 学生将有机会深入了解力量训练和调节的原理, 包括: anatomical and physiological considerations, 提升技术, 设备选择, 程序开发/评估, 和举重安全. 几个一流的实验室将进行实践,以创建力量和调节程序和测量技术,以评估人类的表现和受伤风险. 完成课程后,学生可以攻读NSCA力量和调节专家(CSCS)等认证。.


    本课程的目的是让学生理解和欣赏行政程序,因为它适用于K-12和大学体育和运动项目. Current literature in the areas of business and management are discussed. Topics include: developing administrative styles; diversity issues as they relate to effective management of human resources; revenue acquisition and budget development; media relations; intra-organizational competition; sponsorship acquisition and retention; marketing; and event management.

    KINES 630:监督和法律方面 
    This course focuses on proactive risk management for teachers, 教练, and administrators that will minimize their organizations’ legal liability. 主题包括:法律体系概述, 监督过失侵权责任, 设施保养及保养, 和招聘. These topics will be examined primarily in the context of case law in the California courts.

    KINES 671: 领导 and Governance in Sport Organizations
    本课程详细介绍了管理和领导的一般原则在体育产业和体育组织管理中的应用. 它提供了体育产业的概览, 体育组织管理者遇到的问题,以及如何运用管理技术有效地解决这些问题.

    KINES 672: External Relations: Media, Public Relations, Marketing & 赞助
    本课程侧重于理解和管理体育组织与媒体机构之间的关系. Topics include both the historical perspectives on the influence of mass media on sport, 以及目前体育组织使用的技术来管理媒体关系的各个方面,包括最近社会媒体使用增加带来的重大变化.

    KINES 674:规划和举办体育赛事
    本课程的重点是政治和组织动态需要计划和舞台体育赛事. Topics include: political processes required to gain event approval, 安全和风险管理, 财务分析和预算规划, 事件营销, 人力资源需求, 媒体及公共关系, 观众及VIP需求, 交通及停车, 医疗和安全要求, and design requirements for temporary and long term facilities to host events.

    KINES 678:体育的社会文化方面 
    这门研讨会式的课程旨在将体育作为我们生活的社会和文化世界的一部分. 重点是体育和与体育有关的行动,因为它们影响并受其创造和发挥的社会和文化背景的影响. Historical events are introduced to understand how they have influenced sport in our present society.


    *KINES 580:学术讨论会(夏季- 1学分)
    在每个夏季课程的第一周, 一群顶尖的十大网赌平台和专业人士被邀请到校园向该系的研究生发表演讲. The 4-day colloquium focuses on contemporary issues in our field. The following are samples of topics that have been covered in previous years:

    • 脑震荡 & 学生运动员心理健康

    • 健康的反进化

    • 《十大网赌平台》颁布40年后的田径运动中的性别平等

    KINES 705:作品集 - 1个单位
    This portfolio course serves as the capstone activity for the MA in Kinesiology. 它将为学生提供一个机会,从他们在项目学习期间积累的各种文物中开发一个投资组合,并作为他们个人才能的展示. Contents of the portfolio may include: professional work product, 创造性的工作, 适用的课程作业示例, 写作样本, 或特别项目的亮点, 志愿者工作, 或者正在进行的工作. Through this course students will be able to feature professional and academic work, 打造个人品牌, and share evidence of core competencies in order to better prepare themselves for post-graduate success. 学生将把核心课程和选修课程的应用知识整合到最终的作品集中. This course promotes real world application of what a student has learned, and may be used to better prepare them for a position right after degree completion.

    795年亲人: 实习 (秋季及春季- 1-3个单元)
    这一个, 两到三个单元的课程可以让学生在他们最感兴趣的领域获得实践经验. 学生申请并被选中到校内或校外的实习地点,然后完成必要的工作和学术要求.

    799年亲人: 独立学习 (秋季及春季- 1-3个单元)
    这一个, 两到三个单元的课程包括对该领域感兴趣的主题领域的文献或原创研究项目的独立评论. 学生提出一个主题和阅读清单,由与学生主题最密切相关的专业领域的教员批准.  The student then completes and discusses the readings and research under direction of this faculty member.

    Please note: Students can take up to 5 units of internship (795) and/or independent study (799).

    *学生必须至少修一次KINES 580.

    秋天 & 春季学期: 课程 are offered once a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday) from 6:00p.m.-9:00 p.m.

    夏季学期: 课程 are offered twice a week (Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday) from 6-8:45 p.M,七周的学期. The Colloquium is offered during the first week of June from 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.

    COVID-19更新(23年1月31日): In Spring 2023, courses will be delivered in-person with masking encouraged. We’re looking forward to being in the classroom together again!

    所有学生必须完成30个单元的课程, 包括五(5)门核心课程, 综合考试. All coursework must be completed with a B- grade or better and students must maintain a 3.平均绩点为0.


    如果参加全日制课程, requirements may be completed in as quickly as 14-16 months depending on a student's start term.


    如果参加兼职课程, these requirements may be completed anywhere between 18 and 26 months, depending on a student's start term and how many units they plan to take each semester.

    Contact 科林Skeen, 招生及招聘处助理处长, at cas38@chinaqinyu.com 了解更多课程计划样本.

    学生在第一学期之前与研究生项目主任会面,制定一个符合他们兴趣和目标的学术计划, 并确立具体的毕业时间.

    Daniel Sheets照片


    In 2019, Daniel Sheets earned his bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology, 重点是健康和人类表现, 在十大正规网赌平台. He immediately started pursuing his master’s degree in our 研究生 Kinesiology program. 丹还连续五个赛季在SMC的男子篮球队打球,这让他作为一名一级学生运动员获得了第一手的经验.

    关于 four years ago, Sheets also started his own basketball training business from the ground up. He started with just one kid and currently has over 120 kids participating in the Lamorinda community, helping them develop their basketball skills from a young age.


    Admitted students in the MA in Kinesiology are eligible for student employment, 奖学金和经济援助.


